If you feel itchy when you wake up each morning, inspect your body for bite marks. If you do see these marks, then you likely have bed bugs. These bugs come out at night and feast on you. They are small enough that you will not feel them crawling on your skin. In most cases, you will find these bites on your legs and around your ankles. It can be difficult to remove bed bugs from your home. Because of this, you need to find bed bugs and then kill them.

Find the Bed Bugs

Even though you may not see an actual bed, but you will see signs of them. First, remove all bedding from your mattress. Inspect the seams around the mattress very closely. Use a flashlight to help you see better. You can also use a magnifying glass. If you have bed bugs, you will see tiny black droppings, which is their feces. The most obvious sign is small, empty shells, which are remnants of babies that have hatched and left their shell. 

Remove the mattress and inspect the box spring for bed bugs. If you have cracks on the headboard, bedbugs can hide there. If you have a lot of bed bugs in your room, you will also find them in seams of couch cushions and chairs, as well as seams on curtains. 

Remove the Bed Bugs

If you only see a few bed bugs, you may be able to get rid of them on your own. To do this, go to a home improvement store and purchase an insecticide spray to kill the bed bugs. Remember, this spray will put chemicals in the air, so open any windows and shut the door to your room. There are also bombs that you can set up. This is a device that you sit in the middle of the room. Turn the bomb on, and chemicals will immediately start filling the room and the entire room will become foggy. You need to close all windows and doors.

If you still see bed bugs, contact a professional pest control company. This is the best thing to do as bed bugs can multiply quickly, and before you know it, your home will become infested with them. The pest control company has stronger chemicals than what is available to you. In many cases, the bed bug exterminator will have to come out to your home more than one time to ensure all bed bugs are killed.

Bed bugs can be frustrating, but if you follow the tips above, you can get them out of your bedroom so you can sleep soundly again.
